PHANTOM is a test fixture used to assess the functionality of Vena Medical's main product, SWIRVE
The process to produce PHANTOM followed a specific path
Following these requirements, a need table was constructed, ideas were brainstormed and finally, a single solution was filtered out
Conceptual Design
PHANTOM's conceptual design revolved around creating a electromechanical configuration for its operation
The next stage was testing, which put the early-stage provisional designs of PHANTOM to the test
Final Implements
Once initial tests were deemed successful, PHANTOM was ready to proceed into its final stage
In the media
The University of Waterloo's entrepreneurship center, Conrad mentions in their BETS perspectives post, 

"Thanks in part to [PHANTOM], Vena Medical was accepted into Houston med-tech accelerator TMCx, advanced to the Velocity Fund 25K Finals, finished critical SWIRVE software, and completed their next prototype".

Read the full story here.
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